Tuesday, July 22, 2008

T. Boone Pickens Plan for Wind Power

Anyone that thinks the energy situation in this country (And Across the World For That Mater) is no big deal or bitches that gas prices are too high should read little about the T. Boone Pickens plan for energy. Boone Pickens (Better known as the BP behind the BP gas stations) is out with his plan for saving the country and just did a spot on CNBC. Here is the just of what he says...

When asked why he is "lobbying" Washington (being that he is all about the money)...
"I'm not doing this for the money. I have plenty of money! I'm an American and I'm worried about my country."

He continued..

"70% of our oil is imported at a cost of $700 Billion a year, and its killing our economy."

Then explained his partial solution..

"38% of our fuel consumption is in government fleets and delivery trucks" and T. Boone wants the government to mandate that these fleets switch to natural gas. That will save the country $300 Billion a year and cut our dependency by 40%.

Then added..
"We are going to break our selfs on energy. At which point the candidates would not need to bother talking about Medicare or education because the country will have no money to spend on either."

My solution is a little simpler... Raise gas prices to $10 a gallon for UNLEADED GASOLINE. You will see that people will start to use Public Transportation or maybe ride a bike or walk (I'm as guilty as anyone on the gas thing). People will stop buying it and the towel heads will have to lower its price. PERIOD. remember its supply and demand. If you raise the price to $5 a gallon and people still waste it (like they are doing) that means you need to raise it to $10!

Boone Pickens is a genius when it comes to oil and energy all together and he reminds me of Ross Perot. I's like to see him run for president because these politicians are all jack-asses and its time for a Business Man to run this country like a business. Firing half the government would be a good start!

Here is Boones website he's been pushing all over TV:

Here is some of his plan.. If you do not understand the Oil/Energy situation that we are in our if you do not understand why we we pay so much for gas .. Watch these educational videos (Video 2 is a great teaching tool that Osamma my Mamma should watch.. You Gotta Love This Guy!






So in closing... Boone put on a clinic earlier this month on Squak Box CNBC. If you watch this whole series (all hour worth) you will be an Energy/Oil Expert. This man is the smartest out there..

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