Tuesday, June 24, 2008

R.I.P. George Carlin

Where to start... Me and Mrs. Tampa have seen Carlin 3 or 4 times live. He actually is the only comedienne I have ever seen live other than some no names at the local comedy club..

Pre 9-11 Carlin was VERY funny. Tasteless, yes. But in a funny "He's kinda right" kinda way. Post 9-11 not so much. Saw him 1 time about 6 months after 9-11 at the Oakdale in Wallingford, CT.
He paused a mostly hilarious set to try out some material for an upcoming HBO special. And true to Carlin Form he dived head first right into 9-11. BAD MOVE. The Material was classless and pissed off a good many of the people in attendance Myself included. Afterall Wallingford is a mere Hour outside of the city. Wrong Place Wrong Time.

He lost a fan in me and we never bothered seeing him live or even bothered watching the old man on HBO again.

One thing I will remember though, and this is much more special if you happen to know one, is the classic Tooooooooodd bit. This was just one of those things that was "Kinda Right" especially if you know a Tooooooooodd...

And let me be honest on this... And Carlin would be the first to point this out...
The Death Watch Continues, Another Celebrity Will Pass in the coming month due to a Heart Attack (Luckily I am no Celebrity) Russert, Carlin, .. Who's Next?

Well in True Johnny Tampa Form I have some Ideas and Some Odds....

Artie Lange (Howard Stern Show) 1-5
Michael Moore (Asshole) 10-1
John Madden 15-1
Rubben (American Idol) 5-1
Fidel Castro EVEN
Billy Graham EVEN

Place Your Bets!

~ JT

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