Friday, January 11, 2008

GOP Debate in a State with a Combined IQ of Pickles

Ok I have a couple posts to get too. I just watched the Republican Debate and will post up my opinion.

Although I like to think of myself as a Republican, Watching this on Fox News and seeing the "exit" polling people they interviewed after the debate made me laugh my ass off.

I will say this, Republicans from South Carolina (At least the 3 toothed idiots they had on TV) have the intelligence level of tin foil. Out of the full room, all but 2 thought Thompson won this debate. The reason they thought he won? And I'm not making this up........ Because he was funny..

Yeah Funny...... " Funny How? Funny Like...Like Clown Funny?? Did He Amuse you??? How The Fuc&#^ Was he funny?? "

Let me tell you how..

He cracked a half witted joke that I really dont remember because it was ill placed.

It was Funny in a South Carolina kind of way.

Let me go on record here. About the only thing Thompson's got going for him is that Smoking Hot Wife.. Lucky him.

This guy is a BOZO.

Here are some othe random thoughts...

A.) Thompson is an idiot. But sure knows who to rob the cradle and I like that in a man.

B.) People in South Carolina Are Dummerer than people in the Backwoods of Arkansas .. Seriously..

C.) I thought Ron Paul made a fool of himself at one point while talking over Britt Hume when Britt Hume was trying to get him to take his foot out of his mouth.. He speaks with great concepts but VERY broad strokes.. Usually off topic and rambling.. He has some very good ideas.. I want to like this guy but... his voice and "Fred Rodgers" physique rub me the wrong way.. I do like his flat tax ideas though..

D.) Rudy Rudy Rudy.. Talks too much Bush "Tear-ah" crap. I want to like him but his Advisor (Phil Graham) thinks the election is about Iraq and "Tear-ah"..

E.) Huckabe - Lock this guy up. The guy did nothing but raise Taxes in Arkansas -AND- he's a BAPTIST MINISTER. The scripture he quotes makes me sick. He is a smart guy with a religious agenda. And Religion and Politics is NO Good...

F.) Mitt Romney - This dude reminds be of John Kerry with black hair and could pass as a Kennedy. Well other than the fact that he's a MORMON!! Plus whats with the Mass-Holes and the loons that run for president out of there?? Dukakis, Kennedy, Kerry, Romney... all losers.

So that leaves us with Sen. John McCain

He's had my vote for a while. I keep wanting to give it to Ron Paul but McCain is Money in the Bank.

He has some great ideas on the economy, a fair tax plan that I can live with and in my opinion who better to fix this Iraq BS than a decorated War Hero. They say his age makes him unelectable, I disagree. The one thing I really like about Sen. McCain is that he's a straight shooter. No BS. No lies or exadjurations. what you see is what you get. And that's what we need right know. PLUS he was on CNBC a couple nights ago and made economic sense. I also like is Regan-esque Big Military ideas (And what they will do for my Ratheon stock).

God help this country is Either of those Democratic fools are elected.
Osama Barack Obama Bin Ladin Musharif Mouhamad Ali Baba... talks like he's the Pied Piper and Mr. Hillary Sliton is a "whoare", crying & begging not to lose to a Colored Jihadist. Except when she turns on her "Soul Voice" when she speaks to Southern Baptist church groups. Note: I still wonder how much strange puss Billy would get as "First Husband".

I am also Equally Pissed Off at our Fed Chairman Ben Bernacke that did a little too little too late to ward of the recession we are now in.

JT Out

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