Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Election 2008

I have it figured out. John McCain gets the official Johnny Tampa endorsement. Here is the VERY simple reason why.

There is no Bull Shit with Johnny Mac This is an HONEST good guy. A fucking war hero! A straight shooter.... Every debate or speech he has made is not full of fluff or exadjurations or bull shit.

He doesn't bash the others. Like Huckabee or Thompson or Ron Paul or Clinton or Obamma.

When asked a question he answers the question and doesn't play the role of a used car salesmen. His policy proposals make sense and he seams to understand the realities that no-one wants to accept...

a.) Iraq is NOT a simple "OK time to leave". Bush fucked that all up. The clean up is not as simple as the Democrats make it sound. They just like to blame the war on Bush and Bash the rest of the Republicans. But lets not forget that Clinton also endorsed the Iraq invasion. JMac has a REALISTIC plan to get the troops home and have them come come to a country that doesn't treat them like shit.

B.) The Democrats HATE THIS ONE.. You need to cut taxes and spending to fix this economy. Listening to Obamma and Clinton begs to ask where does all the cash come from to subsidize the poor? They seem to believe you tax the rich (Even more) and give to the poor, the Pied Piper strategy. Well remember that the money you take out of my pocket to subsidize the poor decision of some douche bag with 8 kids is money you take away from the economy. Its money I CANT SPEND with small businesses its one less meal a week I buy from the local restaurant owner its one more product I cant afford to buy. But hey, someone else can buy a little more crack with the food stamp they got because I paid more taxes. Obviously, it is my responsibility to pay at least a portion of one or two of these kids "Head Start" schooling.

This then causes that chain reaction.... I cant buy from the small business, small business looses revenue, small business stops growing, small business cant hire new people, small business starts laying off employees, small business files chapter 7... But hey, not all is lost... Someone got Head Start and a bag of dope.


I have worked hard enough in my life to be fortunately well off. Guess what? I pay too much taxes. Here is an example the liberals do not understand..

Family 1 has 1 child and Earns $25,000 / Year
They fall into a 15% Tax Bracket because of their income. Total Tax they pay into the system.. 25,000 x .15 = $3750 a year.

Family 2 has 1 child and Earns $300,000 / Year
They now fall in a HIGHER tax bracket because they earn more money. Lets say a 30% Bracket (or maybe a 40%).. Total tax they pay into the system.. 300,000 x .30 = $90,000!

Wouldn't the "Rich" family still pay a fair share at the same 15% tax bracket? (They would then pay $45,000 in taxes compared to the $3,700!! But because of all this bull shit spending, they must pay DOUBLE the tax. That's Hog Wash!

Now explain to me how the hell this makes sense. Better yet, explain to me how the hell you can justify Obamma's speaking of raising taxes for rich... And going after the corporations to pay more tax!! I pay more tax then MOST people make a fucking year! And guess what I also pay more property tax too.

I'm sorry but if you find this fair, you're an idiot. Plain and simple.

One last parting note... Ron Paul preaches the "Abolish the IRS" and charge a National Sales Tax. I agree with this concept and it's what I want, BUT Ron Paul is incapable of leading the country.

So here is my clip of Sen. John McCain. I hope this makes sense to you and I hope you see the honesty of this man. He gets my VOTE based on his straight shooting, honesty and character. Two things NONE of the other candidates bring to the table!

The Last 30 Seconds Of This Clip Sun Him Up!

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