Wednesday, April 2, 2008

So Who is the World's Best Guitarist??

This questions has gotten much debate in my life with other dudes that play guitar. I always thought the best guitarist in the world was either Eddie Van Halen or Stevie Ray Vaughn. Both of which I idolized as a child learning to sling the rosewood. In High School the argument was made that Jimmy Paige was superior to EVH and everyone was forced to take a side. I took the Eddie side and to this day can't stand Led Zeppelin. Because of this dislike for Jimmy Paige..

So my position (Until Today) has been Eddie for pure kick assness and SRV for the soul he put into his playing....

Before I get down to it here are my favorite Guitar players in no particular order..

EVH, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Vernon Reid (Living Color), Pete Townsend, Vito Bratta (White Lion), Nino Bettencourt (Extreme), Hendricks and Stevie Vai.. Also Kenny Wayne Sheppard..

Then today I was watching a youTube of Eddie Van Halen RIPPING in back in the day. (This is a sick guitar solo) See Below... And came across a video of, in my opinion, the World's Best Guitarist....... STANLEY JORDAN! "Flair Jordan" if you will.. This dude is AMAZING playing 2 guitars at once?? Are you kidding me?? Below is a video of him taking a god awful song (Zeppelin's Stairway To Heaven) and making it UNBELIEVABLE!! Be sure to watch the solo where he makes everyone look foolish..

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