Sunday, March 16, 2008

Phil Baroni -Vs- Kala Kolohe Hose Fight Video

Phil Baroni is still one of my favorite fighters and I am proud to sponsor him with This dude is a kick ass Italian (as am I) and am sure he will bounce back from this 5th round KO.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Dear Elliot Spitzer,

L I hope my little note finds you well!

I just wanted to let you know that you have let me down around the world. Not listen L, I always thought of you as some type of bafoon, but then had a change of mind when I heard that you was gettin' some. We all know that your wife was not the most attractive women and when word came that you have been bangin' hookers, we were all proud.

Specially when you are dishing out upwards of $5,000 for a screw!! She must of been one great Piece of Ass!

Then I came across a picture of said prostitute "Kristen".

And Mr. Former Governor Elliot Spitzer, I was let down. Yeah she's OK looking but at $5,000? Not to mention your reputation, your family, and your CAREER.

Now I must go and check my records under your various aliases to see home many condoms we have shipped you "Discreetly" over the last 10 years. I just wonder what you did when you couldn't afford $5,000 and what some of those skanks looked like.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Toops.. Curry Is What You Want.

A Heart Blessed Thank You To All My Readers!

I wanted to take a second and thank all of you that make possible. The Four of you (Well three If I take myself out) make this Blog something worth working on. To celebrate I have decided to do some special new things on

1.) I will be charging a small monthly fee of $1,000 per user. Now the more readers I get the less I will have to charge. This $1,000 will equal $4,000 a month... Sweet.

2.) Future Rebates. This is correct. If a reader can subscribe 2 friends (I did it) 3*6 = 18.. At 18 readers the monthly access fee will be reduced to only $222.22 a Month! Thats a Savings of Almost $800 a Month!!! Where else you gonna get a deal like that!

3.) Special Monthly Football Picks. $4,000 a month gets one week a month of picks.. If I was getting paid $8,000 a month I would give you 2 weeks and POSSIBLY through in EVERY OTHER Monday Night.

4.) New Feature.. Ask JohnnyTampa.. Ask anything you like. Submit questions hand written in pencil on a Double Saw Buck (Twenty Dollar Bill) inside a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope.

In the future you can expect more of the same sarcasm and maybe I will start posting more crap that pisses me off like the Baywalk Peace Parade, Omerosa from Celebrity Apprentice and why I am getting my ass handed to me by the Stock Market.

Enough... I aint getting paid for this.. But one last thing...


Attention All Red Sox Fans...


PS: Tell Manny to take a fucking shower already!!

~~ General Johnny Tampa Over And Out!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Brett Favre Retires

Well how glad am I today.. Not glad for my Packers but Glad that I made the trip this year to see the Pack play. Against the Lowly, God Awful Al Davis Raiders. Brett Favre in my opinion is the greatest QB to play the game and the stats show that. I just have one question.. Who was the Greatest Pitcher Ever??? If you think Nolan Ryan then you will understand that the Interceptions Favre threw are similar to the amount of BB Ryan delivered. When you play hard and dominate you are not always going to win. Favre was that gun-slinger that gave 200% every play. Just like Ryan staring at the opposing teams bench before every game started.