Where to start... Me and Mrs. Tampa have seen Carlin 3 or 4 times live. He actually is the only comedienne I have ever seen live other than some no names at the local comedy club..
Pre 9-11 Carlin was VERY funny. Tasteless, yes. But in a funny "He's kinda right" kinda way. Post 9-11 not so much. Saw him 1 time about 6 months after 9-11 at the Oakdale in Wallingford, CT.
He paused a mostly hilarious set to try out some material for an upcoming HBO special. And true to Carlin Form he dived head first right into 9-11. BAD MOVE. The Material was classless and pissed off a good many of the people in attendance Myself included. Afterall Wallingford is a mere Hour outside of the city. Wrong Place Wrong Time.
He lost a fan in me and we never bothered seeing him live or even bothered watching the old man on HBO again.
One thing I will remember though, and this is much more special if you happen to know one, is the classic Tooooooooodd bit. This was just one of those things that was "Kinda Right" especially if you know a Tooooooooodd...
And let me be honest on this... And Carlin would be the first to point this out...
The Death Watch Continues, Another Celebrity Will Pass in the coming month due to a Heart Attack (Luckily I am no Celebrity) Russert, Carlin, .. Who's Next?
Well in True Johnny Tampa Form I have some Ideas and Some Odds....
Artie Lange (Howard Stern Show) 1-5
Michael Moore (Asshole) 10-1
John Madden 15-1
Rubben (American Idol) 5-1
Fidel Castro EVEN
Billy Graham EVEN
Place Your Bets!
~ JT
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Don't Touch My Sauerkraut!
Only on Who's Line Is It anyways... Its always when a show gets canceled that you realize its actually comic gold... "It's.. Just.. Cabbage!"
How great was Ryan Stiles, Colin Mochrie and Wayne Brady? They were the greatest comedy team troupe ever. this show would have done real well up against SNL and Mad TV as neither is even close to being this funny. And if they did special guests (Like Robin Williams Below) and musical guests they could have easily done a Live 1 Hour or 1-1/2 Hour show that would be way funnier than anything on TV.
The Sauerkraut Clip...
Special Guest Robin Williams..
How great was Ryan Stiles, Colin Mochrie and Wayne Brady? They were the greatest comedy team troupe ever. this show would have done real well up against SNL and Mad TV as neither is even close to being this funny. And if they did special guests (Like Robin Williams Below) and musical guests they could have easily done a Live 1 Hour or 1-1/2 Hour show that would be way funnier than anything on TV.
The Sauerkraut Clip...
Special Guest Robin Williams..
Friday, June 20, 2008
Jeter - Most Over Rated Player??
In response to "The King" with this bullshit...
YOU LIKE how once again. SPORTS ILLUSTRATED polled current major league players and asked them who the most OVER-RATED player is...ONCE AGAIN...VOTED MOST OVER-RATE BY HIS PEERS.. DERK JETER... JUST THE FACTS!!
This is obviously some more Red Sox fan SI reporters bullshit without any credibility other than that of the shittiest sports publication ever. Now lets be honest with ourselves here.. How credible is any sports rag that offers a Video Tape of the last championship your team won, a Mock Neck T-Shirt with SI emblazed over your left man tit and a box of Rice-a-Roni, the San Fransico Treat, with every paid subscription.
I have never received the free swag because the Magazine is so shitty I never bothered paying for it. BUT now SI and its investigative reporters like bullshit back pager Rick Riley (who knows less about sports then my Right Testicle but he is funny) polled Major Leagues and GET THIS.. Derek Jeter is MOST overrated player in Baseball.. Now lets add some credibility to this article by letting the world know that #3 on the list is the OVER-RATED 3Time MVP Alex Rodriguez.. Lets also note that another SI Poll was "Who would you build a franchise around" and Jeter was #2 behind A-Rod. Who the hell are you kidding kid? I like how that makes sense. Most Over-rated @@@BUT@@@ lets build our franchise around him. Sports Illustrated, the worst Rag ever is the only publication that can come up with such garbage content and will get subscribers. But how would they do if they stopped giving away all that free swag and toaster ovens.
NO WAY IN HELL IS JETER OVER-RATED. He is a first ballot hall of famer, is approaching Yogi Berra in World Series Rings and lets not forget 3,000 hits (Maybe 4,000 when he retires), and is in the all time offensive leaders in batting for a franchise that includes DiMaggio, Mantle, Gehrig, Ruth and even Alvaro Espinosa.
And as anyone who watches EVERY Yankee baseball game knows that there is NO ONE in the majors that heas EVER been as clutch as Jeter when a game is on the line. No One in baseball that makes the little hustle plays that do not show up in a score card. NO ONE in baseball that can go the other way with a pitch to pick up a guy from 1st. NO ONE in baseball that can make that patented Jeter throw going toward third and throwing a strike to get a guy out.
But that is what happened to baseball. If you cant blast 30HR a year you have to be overrated but you're still the guy everyone wants to build a franchise around...

I think the most over rated player is Jason Veritek.
Mostly because he sports a "C" on his uniform (This isn't hockey Ass Holes). The C probably stands for "Cock" Or "Cum". Honestly what ever the Nation thinks it means in baseball, wearing it is gayer than Harvey Firestein.
~ Johnny Tampa Out Bitches
YOU LIKE how once again. SPORTS ILLUSTRATED polled current major league players and asked them who the most OVER-RATED player is...ONCE AGAIN...VOTED MOST OVER-RATE BY HIS PEERS.. DERK JETER... JUST THE FACTS!!
This is obviously some more Red Sox fan SI reporters bullshit without any credibility other than that of the shittiest sports publication ever. Now lets be honest with ourselves here.. How credible is any sports rag that offers a Video Tape of the last championship your team won, a Mock Neck T-Shirt with SI emblazed over your left man tit and a box of Rice-a-Roni, the San Fransico Treat, with every paid subscription.
I have never received the free swag because the Magazine is so shitty I never bothered paying for it. BUT now SI and its investigative reporters like bullshit back pager Rick Riley (who knows less about sports then my Right Testicle but he is funny) polled Major Leagues and GET THIS.. Derek Jeter is MOST overrated player in Baseball.. Now lets add some credibility to this article by letting the world know that #3 on the list is the OVER-RATED 3Time MVP Alex Rodriguez.. Lets also note that another SI Poll was "Who would you build a franchise around" and Jeter was #2 behind A-Rod. Who the hell are you kidding kid? I like how that makes sense. Most Over-rated @@@BUT@@@ lets build our franchise around him. Sports Illustrated, the worst Rag ever is the only publication that can come up with such garbage content and will get subscribers. But how would they do if they stopped giving away all that free swag and toaster ovens.
NO WAY IN HELL IS JETER OVER-RATED. He is a first ballot hall of famer, is approaching Yogi Berra in World Series Rings and lets not forget 3,000 hits (Maybe 4,000 when he retires), and is in the all time offensive leaders in batting for a franchise that includes DiMaggio, Mantle, Gehrig, Ruth and even Alvaro Espinosa.
And as anyone who watches EVERY Yankee baseball game knows that there is NO ONE in the majors that heas EVER been as clutch as Jeter when a game is on the line. No One in baseball that makes the little hustle plays that do not show up in a score card. NO ONE in baseball that can go the other way with a pitch to pick up a guy from 1st. NO ONE in baseball that can make that patented Jeter throw going toward third and throwing a strike to get a guy out.
But that is what happened to baseball. If you cant blast 30HR a year you have to be overrated but you're still the guy everyone wants to build a franchise around...

I think the most over rated player is Jason Veritek.
Mostly because he sports a "C" on his uniform (This isn't hockey Ass Holes). The C probably stands for "Cock" Or "Cum". Honestly what ever the Nation thinks it means in baseball, wearing it is gayer than Harvey Firestein.
~ Johnny Tampa Out Bitches
Thursday, June 19, 2008
MLB All Star Game 2008 - Yankee Stadium
Someone please explain to me how come this years All Star game is not loaded with Yankee players? How can it be that the American League Team
(WOW Carl Crawford just blasted a Grand Slam against the Cubs in the b7 and now BJ upton just hit a Stand Up Triple WHAT AN EXCITING TEAM!!! Now I am pissed I gave up my tickets for tonights game!!! I cant even type as Hinske just drove in Upton with a double! Three minutes ago the Rays were losing 3-1 now its 3-7)...
OK so
(Hinske steals third)
I do not understand how the club with the highest attendance in the American League averaging around 50k per game can not have voted in Giambi at first, Damon to Outfield
(Longoria Sac Fly Hinske Scores 3-8 can you say S-W-E-E-P )
And Posada to catch... Lets be honest here, Giambi has turned his season around and should be ahead of the crappy Youkalis.
(Jesus... Floyd now with a double.)
And Damon is just behind A-Rod as League Leader in Average and is hotter than liquid glass. And Posada is arguably the best catcher in baseball. At least out of the manly ones that don't wear a Hockey C on there chest.
So in a nutshell here is my All Star Picks (And Yes I voted 25 Times As Allowed)
1st - J. Giambi, NYY
2nd - A. Iwamura, TB
SS - J. Bartlett, TB (Jeter is already a lock so why waste a vote)
3rd - A Rod
Out Field - J. Hamilton - J. Damon - C. Crawford
Catcher - Posada
I picked no-one for the NL because honestly I have no clue who 50% of these guys are...
So bottom Line. Why are the Yank Fans at the Stadium not Voting?? I did and it would only be right that the GREATEST STADIUM IN ALL SPORTS. THE ONLY ONE WITH HISTORY THAT INCLUDES, MANTLE, GEHRIG, DiMAGGIO, RUTH, RIZZUTO, JACKSON, FORD, BERRA, STENGEL, AND EVEN MEL ALLEN should be closed by fielding Yank players.
And one can only hope that the normally classless Terry Francona would have Mariano Rivera be the AL starter for this game and have him pitch 1 inning. This would be the way this game should be played and the best Closer Ever should be the one to throw that first inning.
Well lets see if those Yanks fans will get it done by Jul 2nds deadline. They have 7 Home Games @50,000 Average thats 350,000 votes for the guys above minn. Get Out an Vote!!
(WOW Carl Crawford just blasted a Grand Slam against the Cubs in the b7 and now BJ upton just hit a Stand Up Triple WHAT AN EXCITING TEAM!!! Now I am pissed I gave up my tickets for tonights game!!! I cant even type as Hinske just drove in Upton with a double! Three minutes ago the Rays were losing 3-1 now its 3-7)...
OK so
(Hinske steals third)
I do not understand how the club with the highest attendance in the American League averaging around 50k per game can not have voted in Giambi at first, Damon to Outfield
(Longoria Sac Fly Hinske Scores 3-8 can you say S-W-E-E-P )
And Posada to catch... Lets be honest here, Giambi has turned his season around and should be ahead of the crappy Youkalis.
(Jesus... Floyd now with a double.)
And Damon is just behind A-Rod as League Leader in Average and is hotter than liquid glass. And Posada is arguably the best catcher in baseball. At least out of the manly ones that don't wear a Hockey C on there chest.
So in a nutshell here is my All Star Picks (And Yes I voted 25 Times As Allowed)
1st - J. Giambi, NYY
2nd - A. Iwamura, TB
SS - J. Bartlett, TB (Jeter is already a lock so why waste a vote)
3rd - A Rod
Out Field - J. Hamilton - J. Damon - C. Crawford
Catcher - Posada
I picked no-one for the NL because honestly I have no clue who 50% of these guys are...
So bottom Line. Why are the Yank Fans at the Stadium not Voting?? I did and it would only be right that the GREATEST STADIUM IN ALL SPORTS. THE ONLY ONE WITH HISTORY THAT INCLUDES, MANTLE, GEHRIG, DiMAGGIO, RUTH, RIZZUTO, JACKSON, FORD, BERRA, STENGEL, AND EVEN MEL ALLEN should be closed by fielding Yank players.
And one can only hope that the normally classless Terry Francona would have Mariano Rivera be the AL starter for this game and have him pitch 1 inning. This would be the way this game should be played and the best Closer Ever should be the one to throw that first inning.
Well lets see if those Yanks fans will get it done by Jul 2nds deadline. They have 7 Home Games @50,000 Average thats 350,000 votes for the guys above minn. Get Out an Vote!!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Home for Sale in Lutz, FL
Here is a link to a website for a House for sale in Lutz, Florida. If anyone is looking for a kick ass house with a Large 2.89 Acre lot, that is fully gated. Visit the site..
This property was listed by a Realtor in Tampa. She listed the home at $675,000 claimed she could bring in Tampa Bay Buc players (Lie) to look at it and then she picked the price of $675.
6 Months ago I called her and told her to reduce the price she said thats a good Idea we should lower it to $650.
When asked last week why there has been no action on it.. She Blamed the owners for Setting the price to high.. The owners (ME) never even mentioned a price to her. She set the f'in price. Basically she blamed everything and every one as to why she had no action in a year. Most of it being my fault. My greed for over pricing the home according to the expert that set the price.
So anyone in the market to sell a home around Tampa, be warned I had this Awful experience with Nancy Ward of Keller Williams. This lady is in my opinion the WORST Realtor I ever dealt with and I have sold or bought 5 Houses in the last 4 Years (10 Agents). One thing that really bothered me was that she would
(supposedly) show the house when the Lawn looked Awful, but wouldn't call me to tell me there where 5ft weeds growing in the beds. Smart. I went to the house one day after her showing to find a dead Spider (Big) on the floor by the front door she could pick this up?? Lazy and certainly not worth 6% ($40,000).
~ JT Out
This property was listed by a Realtor in Tampa. She listed the home at $675,000 claimed she could bring in Tampa Bay Buc players (Lie) to look at it and then she picked the price of $675.
6 Months ago I called her and told her to reduce the price she said thats a good Idea we should lower it to $650.
When asked last week why there has been no action on it.. She Blamed the owners for Setting the price to high.. The owners (ME) never even mentioned a price to her. She set the f'in price. Basically she blamed everything and every one as to why she had no action in a year. Most of it being my fault. My greed for over pricing the home according to the expert that set the price.
So anyone in the market to sell a home around Tampa, be warned I had this Awful experience with Nancy Ward of Keller Williams. This lady is in my opinion the WORST Realtor I ever dealt with and I have sold or bought 5 Houses in the last 4 Years (10 Agents). One thing that really bothered me was that she would
(supposedly) show the house when the Lawn looked Awful, but wouldn't call me to tell me there where 5ft weeds growing in the beds. Smart. I went to the house one day after her showing to find a dead Spider (Big) on the floor by the front door she could pick this up?? Lazy and certainly not worth 6% ($40,000).
~ JT Out
Monday, June 2, 2008
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