Sunday, September 25, 2011

Back at it.

Funny how lack of time dictates lack of keeping up on this blog. For obvious reasons this blog is near the bottom of my priority list. Partly because I type about 20 words a minute, and partly due to the large number of readers subscribed to the blog (3 I believe it says at the bottom of which Im pretty sure I make up 2 of them).

So here is what my top 5 for Sunday 9/25/11.

#1 Barack Obama ( Read the archives I spen much of my time complaining about this idiot)
Andjust to give him the benefit of the doubt, the guy isnt all that smart. So Im at the point of simply not wasting my time on the the guy cause he bit off much more than he is capable of handeling.

#2 Herman Cain - Right now I'm leaning even more "the Godfather" side, specially being he won the Florida Straw Poll. I still like his 9-9-9 taxing idea and being that Ron Paul isn't electable He'll get my vote. Mind you I have liked him since day 1. Mind you I strongly support the Tea Party.

#4 Packers. Scary how good this team is.

#5 Rays. Talk about what might be the LUCKIEST team ever to get into the playoffs. If the Sox Lose (13th Inning right now) The Rays can win to be in. Sox fave Baltimore.